Thursday, August 30, 2007

Land Speeder Tornadoes

I started assembling 3 of them last night with assault cannon bits ordered from battlewagon bits. They are gone now, though has taken up the banner and if anyone is capable of filling those shoes it is Neal.

Anyway, let me just say that I hate assembling the speeders. They don't line up and you have to hold them or rubberband them and even still they suck.

Maybe I am just too impatient. Anyway, hope to have pics of them soon.

PS. Call of chaos is strong...

Monday, August 20, 2007

Metal death

I played another game against Ryan's Necrons. Our lists were the exact same as the previous time we played so I am not going to reproduce them here - just scroll down a bit.

This game also doesn't really get the play by play, Ryan conceded on Turn 3. We were playing an Omega level secure and control. I deployed my large crusade led by Champion Miyato and Chaplain Veigne on the left flank.

Ryan decided not to shoot at them until the top of turn 2 and then he just had lousy rolls for the most part. His deepstriking Monolith scattered a whopping 6" and killed only a single initiate. I lost a couple more initiates from combined shooting of the rest of his army but then got an 8" consolidate which allowed me to get a charge on his Necron Lord's unit of Immortals - Miyato struck him down and he failed his WBB rolls.

At this point the large crusade was locked in combat with the remaining Immortal guard and a Necron Warriors unit (or two) at almost full strength without benefit of Res orb. He could have pulled one unit out each turn for the next 3 turns but really, I was already in a mop up mode.

It was interesting seeing how much he didn't want to shoot at my large crusade in order to deny it the extra movement from RZ.

Anyway, it was a really short game and not terribly interesting on either side of the table as once that huge crusade locked in with the Res Orb phalanx and took out the lord with orb there wasn't much he could do.

On another topic, I got a new unit of terminators as well as a Land Raider Crusader and Land Speeder for my birthday, so it may be time to switch the list around a bit. I have always fancied a quick response style list - maybe I will shrink the large crusade a bit and load it up in the land raider and pull in a couple of drop pods, maybe some bikes or assault troops.