Monday, February 5, 2007


I played a crazy game last night with 3 of my friends. It was a 4 way free for all. I was tight for time and we had decided last week to do a "play night" rather than the usual "paint night" and we were all supposed to show up with 1000 point lists (or so - since it was for fun we went ahead and allowed an extra 10 points or so). Since we were tight on time we implemented a rule that each player had 2 minutes per turn with an extra minute "combat time" for close combat.

It was CRAZY! You had to prioritize what you were going to do ahead of time and even set aside the dice and then just move what you could (often leaving units static for a turn or two) and then throwing down.

The only "comp" was the standard force org and the thought that if your list was too tough everyone would gang up on you...

The lists were:

Black Templars (me)
Castellan with termies retinue 2x asscannons
Emperor's Champion, abhor the witch vow
Reclusiarch, bolt pistol termie honors
Venerable Dread with smoke and armor
5 initiates with missile launcher in laserback
7 initiates, power fist, melta 2 neophytes

Blood Angels (Ryan)
5 death company with jump packs
2 LS Tornadoes
Baal Pred
2 drop pods with 8 guys

Space Wolves (Todd)
Venerable Dread
5 bikes with rune priest on bike
2 grey hunters units in rhinos
5 termies
1 grey hunter unit in razorback

Emperor's Judgment (Shawn)
2xplasma squad in rhino
2xmelta squad in rhino
fire support dread
5 termies, 2 asscannons

We each took a corner and set the rule that no one could deploy closer than 24" to anyone else. I was across from Shawn and Ryan was to my right which left Todd catty corner to me. We rolled off to see who went first and let the carnage begin!

My Templars sensed fell witchery with the wolves and surged towards them.

Ryan went first, he moved towards me and shot my laserback destroying it. D'oh. I swept towards the Blood Angels to enact my vengeance.

Shawn is a very cautious player and crept forward. Todd, being the exact opposite of cautious zipped towards the Blood Angels as well, the bikes charging the death company. That was a bad idea and the combat lasted most of the rest of the game.

Next turn one of the Blood Angels drop pods shows up and fires up my "big" crusade and they zeal forward setting up a charge.

My termies show up and drop back near the wolves and fire up the razorback, destroying it. I charge over difficult terrain (a wall) and hit the drop podding Blood Angels. They hit first but I hit harder and win combat.

Shawn's dread moves towards the Templars / Blood Angels scrum eventually that combat will wind down to just my chaplain, a blood angel with power fist and the dread. On the last turn of that combat I swing at the dread instead of blood angel so his powerfist will hopefully take out the dread, but instead he turns on me and then in the next turn takes out the dread.

It was a crazy game that ended with the Blood Angel with power fist, my termie marshal and a unit of grey hunters Shawn had a couple more units because of his cautious nature so was obviously the winner points wise.

It was a total blast to play in this way and the game only took about 45 minutes (which isn't bad for 4 1000 pt armies). We are definitely gonna play in that style a bit more just to speed up our tourney play.